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San Mateo County - District 05

The San Mateo County tax clinics are closed. Our tax clinics will reopen on or about February 1st, 2020. If you have a tax-related question, we still may be able to help you in some way. If you would like advice, please call 888-227-7669 or send an email to with your name, phone number, and a brief description of your tax-related problem.

Here is a list of our sites with days and times of operation

Here is a list of items you need to bring with you when you come to do taxes

Here is the intake form that must be completed before you can be seen by a tax counselor

Here are the tax items that we can and cannot help you with

If you're interested in volunteering at one of our sites in San Mateo County, we'd love to hear from you. Our more than 100 volunteers work in one of our 17 sites throughout the county helping their neighbors prepare their taxes.  We provide IRS certified training (in January) and equipment (a notebook computer and printer), at no cost to volunteers. AARP Foundation reimburses volunteers for mileage. AARP membership is not required.

We operate at 17 locations in San Mateo County. Each site is open one day a week, Monday through Saturday, usually between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. A tax counselor is required to work at least at one of these sites from February 1st through April 15th, usually about 10 sessions. Besides tax counselors we also have open positions for Client Facilitaor, Greeter, and management positions which require less training.

For more information about our program or to register as a volunteer go to http://AARP.ORG/TAXAIDE


Last updated: December 20, 2019.  Comments and corrections? Send email to jim.cole1 (at)

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